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     To define the traits of an entrepreneur is not an easy thing to do.  The reason is that many people hold different views of what an entrepreneur is or what he or she does.  Some view an entrepreneur as someone who simply opens his or her own small business. Others view an entrepreneur as someone who has creative business ideas.  But, in fact, a true entrepreneur does more than simply formulate creative business ideas (Drucker 1985).  As economist Jeffrey A. Timmons wrote, "a skillful entrepreneur can shape and create an opportunity where others see little or nothing - or see it too early or too late" (Glackin 2013).  Ultimately, entrepreneurs have the ability to identify needs in society, recognize opportunities in the ways those needs can be fulfilled, discover an innovative way to satisfy those needs that brings value to consumers, devise a plan, and have the drive to bring all of the pieces of the plan together to make the idea a reality.  It is not enough to be innovative and it is not enough to be able to run a business.  Entrepreneurs need to display all of the qualities needed to turn innovative ideas into a reality (Glackin 2013). 

     Therefore, more than just opening another hot dog stand that sells basically the same hot dogs as the other stands, entrepreneurs employ some degree of innovation by creating something new or making something better.  It could be a new product, such as Apple did with the creation of the iPad.  Or, it could be the same product made with improved processes, such as McDonald's did with their chain of hamburger restaurants (Drucker 1985). The innovation of these two companies created value for customers that did not previously exist in the market.  Having the idea for better products or better methods would not have been enough.  Being able to turn innovative ideas into profitable businesses is the key to true entrepreneurism. ​


PURPOSE: In the first part of this essay, I will explain and I learned the basic principles of entrepreneurship through running my own window cleaning business for seven years.  In the second part of the essay, I will record how I developed advanced entrepreneurial skills while running my own importing business for nine years.  And in the third part of the essay, I will document how I acquired the knowledge and skills to successfully operate an international business.

SKILLS: In the first section, I will show how I learned to identify an unfulfilled need in society, recognize business opportunities from it, analyze business opportunities, determine feasibility, and develop a unique strategy to gain a sizable portion of a target market. The second part of the essay documents how I learned to apply all seven rules for running a successful business, which are 1) recognize an opportunity, 2) evaluate it with critical thinking, 3) build a team, 4) write the plan, 5) gather resources, 6) decide ownership, and 7) create wealth (Glackin 2013).  In the third and final part of the essay, I will record how conducting business globally taught me the skills and principles of crossing cultures in business, political and legal systems, economic systems, international trade, business-government trade relations, managing exchange-rate risk, and managing international operations.

Part I - Learning the Basic Skills of an Entrepreneur

Identifying an Unfulfilled Need in Society

     My first opportunity to begin developing the skills of an entrepreneurship was in February of 1998.  A very close friend of mine, Bob Heighton, had asked me to help him with his window cleaning business for just a few weeks.  I had been doing carpentry for almost six years but I was often out of work during the winter months in rainy Vancouver, Canada.  What I thought was going to be a few weeks of work until I was called back to my construction job turned into an eye-opening experience that taught me the basic principles of entrepreneurship.  

     Before I even began working for Bob, the question that was running through my mind was: "Who wants their windows cleaned in the wintertime?" I had never worked in a retail shop before so I was understandably unaware that most successful shops have their windows cleaned year round.  My friend Bob had also never worked in a shop but through careful observation he identified a need in the market that was going unfulfilled, which is a primary skill of an entrepreneur (Johnson 2013). Bob explained to me that while he was working as a part-time delivery driver for Pepsi Cola, he repeatedly heard restaurant owners complain that their regular window cleaners often disappeared when they needed them the most.  These restaurant owners also confessed that they were willing to pay a lot of money to have their windows cleaned regularly but could not find reliable people to do it. Bob did not intend to drive for Pepsi Cola forever so he started to explore the idea of filling the needs of these shop owners. The problem that these businesses were facing was that nearly every restaurant and cafe manager wanted the same window cleaner to be at their shop on the same day and at the exact same time as all of the other restaurants and cafes in the city. Typically, the "same day" was the first sunny day after a few days of rain.  A typical window cleaner could only visit 20 to 25 shops in a day so the vast majority of shops were suffering with dirty windows for several days until he or she could get a round to them all.  I learned from my conversation with Bob that day that often the first step to starting a successful business is identifying an unfulfilled need in society (Glackin 2013).  If a solution can be found, there could be a viable business opportunity for the entrepreneur to seize.

Recognizing an Opportunity

     Over the course of the four weeks that I worked with Bob, he explained to me that he became determined to find a solution to the shop owners' window cleaning problems when one desperate shop owner admitted to offering fifty dollars to a window cleaner to clean his shop's windows, which normally only takes ten minutes for a professional to complete.  Surprisingly, the window cleaner turned down the offer because he had already promised other customers that he would clean their windows that same morning. The standard fee for cleaning the shop's ten windows was ten dollars.  Bob was only earning about ninety dollars a day as a delivery driver but discussions with shop owners allowed him to see an opportunity to earn much more.  After meeting several window cleaners that he had encountered along his delivery route, he discovered that the vast majority of window cleaners did not work on rainy days.  These window cleaners explained that most shops did not want them cleaning windows on rainy days so it was not worth their efforts.  But on sunny days, there was more work than they could handle.  On the days when it was not raining, these window cleaners admitted that they could easily earn over 200 dollars a day.  But earning 200 dollars a day on sunny days was not attractive enough to most people, especially in a city that gets rainfall nearly fifty percent of the time.  Work that came and went with the weather had created a shortage of window cleaners in Vancouver.  Bob recognized an opportunity but a solution was needed to eliminate the lack of work on rainy days and the insurmountable demand on sunny days.  If a solution could be found, Bob had estimated that there was the potential of earning over a thousand dollars a week.  If a business could be expanded to include employees, the opportunity was even greater.  From Bob's experience, I learned that the next step to being an entrepreneur is seeking ways to find a solution to a problem through critical thinking (Glackin 2013).


Evaluating Opportunities with Critical Thinking

     In order to find a solution, Bob had to ask himself a series of questions: Why can a person not clean windows every day? The answer to this question is: Many shop owners believe that rain makes the windows dirty.  Bob then asked himself: What makes windows dirty? And another question: Is it the rain that makes them dirty, or is it from another source such as pollution in the air? Answers to these questions could be the beginning of a very profitable business.  To find the answers to these questions, Bob did some tests on his own windows at home.  In doing so, he discovered that washing windows in the rain produced windows that were equally as clean as windows that were washed on a sunny day.  After the rain stopped, the clean windows dried up and were essentially dirt free.  The idea that rain makes windows dirty was false.  Bob discovered that rain only makes the dirt on windows more obvious because rain left the preexisting dirt on the window in the form of droplets.  But without the dirt on the window to begin with, the rain dries without leaving a residue.  This discovery was not rocket science, but it did enable Bob to provide a solution and build an effective strategy which was, and should be, based on what customers actually need and want (Glackin 2013).  In order to continually have clean windows, the shop owners needed to accept having them cleaned on a fixed schedule, regardless of the weather. This solution would not only prevent the shortage of window cleaners on sunny days but it would also provide income for a window cleaner every day.  Offering this solution to shop owners did take some convincing, but it was mutually beneficial. 


     By the point in time that I was working with Bob, he had already turned his idea into an actual working business plan.  He did not tell me how much he was earning, but I concluded that he was earning much more than a thousand dollars each week. I came to this conclusion because he was paying me twenty dollars an hour to help him handle some large jobs that he had landed that month. If he could afford to pay me twenty dollars an hour as his helper, I deduced that he must be earning at least forty dollars an hour without my help (I later learned that he was earning much more).  Being a good friend who wanted to help me, Bob encouraged me to start running a similar business. I enjoyed the work and was definitely interested in running my own small business, but taking the jump from being an employee to starting my own business involved taking a risk.  Starting a business would require investing in equipment, advertising, insurance, and other overhead expenses.  Also, it would take some time before I had enough customers to cover my expenses, and even more time until I would be earning enough money to turn a profit.  A part of me wanted to jump right in but I needed to do some research and planning before I could reach a decision.  At this point, I learned that an entrepreneur needs to determine whether or not his business idea is feasible before it is launched (Glackin 2013).

Determining Feasibility

     Before I could quit my job and put all of my energies into running the new business, I first needed to determine if the business idea was feasible.  The business concept was working for Bob, but that does not mean that it would work for me. In order to be successful, to some degree I would need to diversify from what Bob was already doing (Glackin 2013).  Bob had already targeted the best shops in the city that were willing to pay more than a dollar per window for a clean, reliable window cleaner. Therefore, I first needed to establish who my target market was going to be, determine if there were enough of the target customers available in the market, and create a level and quality of service that would be perceived as valuable in the minds of my target customers (Glackin 2013).  If there were enough customers willing to pay for the service that I was going to offer, and if the revenue from performing the service was going to leave me with an acceptable amount of profit, then the plan might be feasible.  I also needed to calculate how long it would take to reach the breakeven point and have a plan to survive financially until I was earning a profit. It was clear that I needed to begin gathering information to determine what my earning potential was. 

Gathering Information and Estimating Profit


     In the month that I spent working with Bob, I was able to determine that the average window took only one minute to clean when cleaned by a trained professional using standard equipment.  It took between two to three minutes for me (without much training) to do the same. Throughout Vancouver, the average rate that "fly-by-night" window cleaners charged was one dollar per window, per side (an average sized shop window cleaned inside and out would cost two dollars). For larger windows, this price could increase to two or three dollars per window. For very large windows, such as windows at car dealerships, the price could be as high as ten dollars per window.  Through observation and speaking with Bob, I was able to calculate that the average window cleaner, including Bob, was spending roughly half of his time traveling between shops and collecting payment from customers. Bob's clients were higher-end businesses that were willing to pay more and agreed to having their windows cleaned on rainy days, but there was no guarantee that my customers would accept the same pricing and arrangement. Based on the perception of most shop owners that windows should only be cleaned on days without precipitation, and based on factual weather records in Vancouver into account, I came up with the following estimates for earning potential:

     My salary as a carpenter at the time was roughly 640 dollars per week based on working 40 hours a week at 16 dollars an hour. Therefore, there was a potential to increase my income as a window cleaner by 120 dollars each week without improving on the methods that were currently being used by the average fly-by-night window cleaner.  Now that I had a low-end estimate of the revenue that I could earn as a window cleaner, I had to calculate what my expenses would be.  I managed to chat with a window cleaner who told me that he drives all over the city in one day and that fuel was his greatest expense.  Aside from fuel, I would need to pay for street parking and garage parking a few times each day.  There would be "wear and tear" on my vehicle.  I would also need to buy liability insurance in case of property damage. The cost of buying and replacing equipment would need to be factored into my yearly expenses.  And the cost of soap, razor blades, and rags would have to be calculated into weekly expenses.  Therefore, I was able to estimate the following expenses for:

​​​     Even though I was able to estimate that the expenses for running a window cleaning business are very low, I also determined that the increase in my revenue by switching from carpentry to window cleaning would be more than cancelled out by these operating costs incurred.  Therefore, the business plan would only be attractive if I could increase the number of work days in a week (which Bob had already done) and if I could increase the number of windows that can be cleaned each hour.  It appeared to me that spending so much time traveling between customers was an unnecessary waste that could be reduced by grouping more customers into smaller routes.  In time, I could also search for ways to improve the efficiency of the work.  But until that could be accomplished, I could only estimate an increased revenue from what I had learned from Bob (that it is possible to clean windows on rainy days), and that I had personally witnessed a high degree of waste from Bob and other window cleaners who were driving all over the city. Reasoning on the changes that I needed to make in order to increase profit, I was able to see that my strategy would need to differ from my competition.  Before I devised my own strategy, I took a close look at the competition. 

Analyzing and Understanding Strategies Used by the Current Players

     In order to establish a winning strategy that was better than my competition, I had to understand the strategies that were already being employed in the market (Glackin 2013).  By identifying areas of the market that were not being satisfied, as Bob had already done, I could also expect to gain a portion of that market.  


     One strategy being executed by most large window cleaning  companies was one that offered a very high standard of service but at a very high price.  Advertisements for these large window cleaning companies could often be found in the newspaper or the phone book that offered their services for homes and businesses alike.  Although they did not specialize to meet the needs of one kind of customer, the people performing the work were well-trained, professionally dressed, and courteous. The minimum charge for their services, though, normally started at fifty or sixty dollars.  These businesses could often perform the work within two or three days of making the appointment.  For desperate shopkeepers and very large shops, the price might be acceptable but waiting two or three days was rarely attractive. Only very big shops relied on businesses who had a large minimum charge since most shops in the city have only five to ten windows.  The minimum charge, therefore, automatically put their services out of reach for the vast majority of shops in the market.  But being able to call these companies as needed made them appealing to desperate shopkeepers and to stores with 30 or more windows, which I estimated to be less than five percent of the market.

     The most common strategy being used was offering the lowest price without any commitment.  Window cleaning services could be found at a rate of one dollar per window (without a minimum charge) by unreliable window cleaners who wore random T-shirts, dirty jeans, and often looked very unkempt. These window cleaners could be called when needed but also came around offering services before they were wanted. This approach caused surges in demand that could not be met in a timely fashion.  This strategy was only working because the price was attractive to the vast majority of small shop owners and the windows did get cleaned, though the work was done by unkempt people.  Most shops had no choice but to use the poorly groomed, unscheduled, and unreliable window cleaners that were nearly impossible to find when most needed.  Price and flexibility were the only draws and too much flexibility and unpredictability were actually frustrating many of their customers.


     The third strategy was similar to the first strategy that offered high-quality service but was more specialized to meet the needs of the thousands of small and medium-sized stores in the market.  Bob, and only a handful of other entrepreneurial people before him, had wisely spotted that there was a niche market begging to pay more for clean and reliable window cleaners.  Bob had discovered that there were enough high-end businesses in the market that would allow him to raise the rate per window and still gain a large enough portion of the market. And by insisting that customers choose between having their windows cleaned every week, every two weeks, or every four weeks, Bob could perfectly balance his schedule every day of the week within every four-week period without there being any work overloads. His customers would never have to call him for his services and he would clean their windows "rain or shine". One weakness to this strategy is that there were only a few shops in each block that earned enough of a profit to view the increase in price as a insignificant. Another weakness is that the higher price for a simple job could be easily undermined by lower bids. Regardless of these weaknesses, this strategy enabled him and a few others to have more work than they could handle and earn a very handsome profit.  With the knowledge that I gained from Bob and the results from my own feasibility estimates, it was time to devise my own strategy.

Devising a Unique and Effective Strategy


     By analyzing each of the three common strategies, I came to recognize that each strategy had its own strengths and weaknesses.  I could see why many homes and some businesses relied on large window cleaning companies that had a minimum charge.  For homes and very large shops, the minimum charge rarely came into effect and the quality of service was very good. For the window cleaning companies, they were not interested in shops with only a few windows. Therefore, this strategy could gain a large enough portion of the market and these window cleaning companies were earning a sizable profit. For the unkempt window cleaners working for a dollar per window, they had more work than they could handle even if the majority of their customers were unhappy with their services.  The ability to earn over two hundred dollars a day, three days a week, was enough profit for them to earn a living.  Bob's strategy, on the other hand, was a high-quality service that was viewed as affordable by many of the high-end businesses, but very few of the "mom and pop" shops were willing to pay more than the going rate. There were at least one or two shops in every block that felt Bob's increase in price was insignificant and appreciated that it was often half of what the big window cleaning companies would charge.  Therefore, a few shops on each block were more than willing to accept Bob's rigid schedule and a commitment to ongoing services.  In fact, the vast majority of Bob's customers asked for their windows to be cleaned every week just to ensure that their windows always looked clean and spotless. In their minds, when paying $5,000 or more each month for rent, paying an additional $100 to keep the shop looking fresh was easily affordable.  

     After comparing the strengths of all three strategies, I came the the conclusion that the third strategy offered the best opportunity to get into the market. His reliability and clean look set him apart from the low-end cleaners. Having no minimum charge also set him apart from the large window cleaning companies.  On the other hand, I still felt that he spent too much time driving between customers.  I did not like that the higher prices exposed him to losing customers to low-ballers for a service that can be easily duplicated. Therefore, I decided to choose a strength from of each strategy to form my own.  


     First of all, I liked that the first strategy required their workers to wear a uniform. For the large shops that could afford their services, it reflected well on them that they hired professionals to do the work.  So I decided that anyone working for my business, including myself, must wear a uniform.  From the second strategy, I chose to keep the price at one dollar per window.  I decided to keep my prices at this point since I needed more than one or two shops in each block in order to reduce downtime and increase the number of windows I could clean in an hour.  This pricing strategy also worked for my business since I could not target the same high-end customers that my friend Bob had already acquired.  From Bob's strategy, I chose to use the same rigid scheduling system.  If customers could not be convinced to accept ongoing window cleaning services every week, two weeks, or four weeks, I would turn them down.  By doing so, I would be able to have a balanced schedule like Bob that avoids surges in demand.  I would also have pricing that appealed to the majority rather than the minority.  By devising a unique and effective strategy for my window cleaning business, I was able to update my estimated revenue and operating costs accordingly:





​​​​     Now that I had a clearer strategy in mind, I recognized that I needed to spend some money on advertising to enable me to speed up the time it would take for me to gain a large number of customers.  I did this by adding a budget for printing professional flyers each month that I would distribute to every store in the areas I targeted.  Also, I needed to look more professional than other window cleaners by wearing a well-fitted work uniform.  Therefore, I added advertising and clothing to the estimated expenses. I already owned a vehicle that I was insuring for driving to work as a carpenter so I did not need to spend any money at the start to have a vehicle. From my estimated expenses, I was able to calculate that I could purchase the basic necessities to start the business with approximately one thousand dollars.  This would include one uniform, the basic window cleaning supplies, liability insurance, one thousand flyers, and a box of high-quality business cards.  After realizing that I had the potential to earn over 1,500 dollars each week with a simple business plan and very low startup costs, I decided to move forward with the plan.  I registered the name "Blue Earth Maintenance" and had a green and blue logo designed professionally by graphic designer.

Earning and Learning

     Up until this point, all of my decisions were based on what I had learned from Bob and what I was able to conclude using common sense.  There was no guarantee that my plan would work.  But in the weeks and years after I started running Blue Earth Maintenance, I learned why my strategy was effective and I also learned many other principles of entrepreneurship through trial and error.


     First of all, I learned that having an effective entrepreneurial strategy is essential for success in every business. The reason is that a strategy is a plan to outperform the competition (Glackin 2013).  These strategies come in several distinct forms but many entrepreneurs combine elements from two, three, or more strategies into one, just as I had done in my window cleaning business (Drucker 1985). One strategy, often called par excellence, is a strategy that aims at being the leader in the industry that dominates its market. Dominating a market does not guarantee profitability but it is the strategy used to gain and hold onto a large share of the market. A second strategy, called creative imitation, is a strategy that imitates the innovation of another entrepreneur by taking whatever is effective about that strategy and then executing it better than the originator (Drucker 1985). A third strategy, sometimes referred to as the specialty market, is the strategy that targets a niche market by customizing the product or service to suit that portion of the market better than other businesses (Drucker 1985). At the time of starting my business, I had unknowingly combined elements of these three strategies as well as appropriate pricing strategies in order to gain a large enough portion of the window cleaning market and earn a sizable profit.

     Elements of par excellence: A key piece of information that I gained from considering the feasibility of the business idea was that I needed to eliminate the amount of time spent traveling between one shop to the next.  To increase efficiency and profit, I needed to have many customers in each block. Dominating areas of the city was essential to the success of my plan.  I handpicked areas of the city that I could dominate and turned down offers outside of those areas that would reduce my efficiency and control. Otherwise, my customer base would become thinned out just like every other window cleaner.  But in order to dominate entire areas, I needed to be a price leader and a service leader at the same time. I unknowingly was choosing elements of the par excellence strategy to form my own strategy. By eliminating traveling time, I was able to offer top-notch service while continuing to offer the low-end rate of one dollar per window.  So rather than having having just one or two customers in a block, I was often able to gain as many as 10 or 15 customers.  An advantage to this strategy that I did not foresee is that my customers often found new customers for me by telling other shops that Blue Earth Maintenance cleans windows for the whole block.  Therefore, I gained customers quickly through dominance.  My affordable pricing and high level of service made it difficult, if not impossible, for other window cleaners to gain a foothold in the areas that I dominated.  

     Elements of creative imitation: I owe the idea of becoming a professional window cleaner that caters specifically to the needs of restaurants, cafes, and boutique stores to my friend, Bob.  I would later learn that there were other window cleaners who had developed a similar approach to the one that Bob used.  But after taking the general idea from Bob, I created my own strategy that would enable me to service more customers each hour.  Whereas Bob was able to increase revenue through better scheduling and by increasing prices over the standard, I was able to build on his strategy by having more market dominance and less downtime.  Therefore, by taking the elements of Bob's approach that were working for the high-end market, I was able to build an effective strategy that appealed to the mid-range and high-end segments of the market. 

     Elements of specialty market: By specializing in the type of window cleaning that I would perform, I gained an advantage over the companies that were performing residential and commercial window cleaning.  Residential window cleaning was profitable but it was seasonal and inconsistent.  Therefore, I decided to focus only on stores that wanted their windows cleaned year round.  By refusing work that required an extension ladder, I reduced the cost of equipment and did not even need to use a large vehicle. Therefore, I chose to focus on ground-level shops in high-traffic areas that would be most inclined to have their windows cleaned weekly or biweekly.  Narrowing down the type of customer that I targeted further increased my efficiency and would enable me to raise the level of service within that particular market segment. Every week I had people on the street ask me to clean the windows in their homes and offices.  I always turned down these offers because trying to serve every segment of the market would have prevented me from specializing in the market that I was dominating in.  Again, I had unknowingly selected elements of the specialty market strategy into my own business strategy.

     Economy pricing:  Each pricing strategy has its own benefits.  If I had chosen to go with a premium pricing strategy, I would have been able to earn more revenue from each customer, just as my friend Bob continues to do until this day.  The downside to premium pricing is that a smaller portion of the market would have accepted my services at higher prices.  Premium pricing would have also put me into closer competition with the same person who was helping me get into the business.  My pricing strategy also needed to grab and hold a larger segment of the market in comparison to businesses that charged premium rates.  By choosing a greater volume of customers at lower prices, I had mixed elements of economy pricing into my strategy.  This strategy proved to be highly effective because I could easily gain business from the fly-by-night window cleaners, since our pricing was identical.  Essentially, I able to offer better service for the same price.  This pricing strategy along with the par excellence strategy exceeded my estimates in the number of windows that I could clean in an hour.  On the blocks that I had 10 to 15 customers, I could easily clean over a hundred windows in an hour.  So rather than earning just 45 dollars an hour, some blocks allowed me to earn between 100 and 140 dollars an hour. The high volume of customers gained through economy pricing enabled me to earn over 500 dollars a day, before I expanded the business by hiring sub-contractors. 


     Penetrating pricing:  Aside from pricing that would land and hold a greater volume of customers, I also wanted to start earning revenue as quickly as possible.  Many shops remained loyal to unreliable window cleaners despite their poor service so I needed as many of the new shops as possible to become regular customers.  Therefore, I came up with the idea of offering window cleaning for new shops on their opening day at the standard rate of one dollar per side rather than the much higher price that is charged for post-construction cleanup.  I offered the discounted price as a way to "get my foot in the door" and to demonstrate the quality of our work.  By converting as many of the new shops as possible into regular customers, I could gain a greater portion of the market in a shorter time.  This is the same strategy that was used by Gillette in the late 1800's who sold their razors at one fifth of their production cost in order to earn a profit off of the replacement blades (Drucker 1985).  The same penetrating pricing is used by printer manufacturers today who sell printers at a low cost in order to get customers hooked on buying the replacement ink cartridges.  New shop owners were often over budget at the time of opening their shops so offering a very low price to make their store windows look perfect on opening day was hard to resist.  I was not interested in earning a profit from the initial cleaning, which often took me four or five times longer than a standard cleaning.  I was primarily interested in earning a profit on the ongoing maintenance of the shop's windows for the weeks, months, and years after the shop opened. Much like Gillette and modern day printer manufacturers, I needed a way to get new customers hooked on my services at an introductory price that they could afford.  I learned through experience that penetrating pricing is able to quickly gain a portion of the market.  For me, penetrating pricing along with economy pricing enabled me to gain and hold dominance in the areas I was servicing. 

Learning Additional Principles in Entrepreneurship

     As I grew the business from earning 10,000 dollars in the first year until seven years later when the business was earning a revenue of over 150,000 dollars a year, I was constantly learning new principles of entrepreneurship. I worked hard at applying the business strategy but also needed to constantly make adjustments to the way I handled the business.  By the end of the seventh year, I had over 300 customers and needed two sub-contractors at all times to assist me in caring for all of my customers.  Without any previous training in business, I learned the following lessons through hands-on experience:

1. People work for more than just money (Johnson 2013).  When I hired sub-contractors, most of them confessed that they had never earned more than twenty dollars an hour as employees or contractors.  I erroneously believed that paying them as much as I could would produce the best results. When I was managing the business and all of the invoicing, I paid the sub-contractors 50 percent of what we invoiced for. This meant that sub-contractors could earn between 30 and 40 dollars an hour and did not have to do any paperwork.  At times when I was out of the country, I paid the sub-contractors 75 percent of the invoices since there was more paperwork to manage and collecting of payments.  This arrangement allowed them to earn between 40 an 60 dollars and hour.  In the beginning, the effort shown by the workers was excellent.  But in time, the quality of work began to suffer greatly and gradually they seemed to be less motivated.  All but two sub-contractors lasted more than a year. Through experience, I learned that overpaying people does not teach them to work harder or to love their jobs.  While money might motivate some people, it does not motivate everyone. After much grief and frustration, I learned that I needed to "find out what makes them tick and align their goals with [my] passions" (Johnson 2013).  After seeing a repeating pattern of unmotivated workers, I learned to help them see how their strong performance could help them to reach their goals which may include advancement, greater responsibility, and the opportunity to learn how to build their own businesses.  The end result was a win-win situation for everyone.


2. You have to let some customers go.  The success of my business plan was based on gaining as many customers as possible so that I could have less downtime and a more efficient business. I treated each and every customer as a necessary piece of the puzzle.  But in time, I realized that "bad customers can cause a lot of frustration, drain resources, damage your reputation, and eventually put you out of business" (Johnson 2013).  For example, some customers were not happy unless they were paying less than the standard rate. These same customers often wanted more services for less pay.  I also found that I was spending an inordinate amount of time chasing some customers for payments.  The farther that the late-payers got behind on their invoices, the harder it was to let them go.  But in the end, I learned that letting bad customers go that were wasting my time allowed me more time to find good customers.  I learned to be more skeptical of customers who were unreasonably demanding. Customers that were difficult to deal with were not profitable.  Entrepreneurs need to know that there are enough good customers in the market and to stop wasting time on the bad ones. 

3. Entrepreneurs feel unequalled satisfaction when their ideas becomes a reality (Johnson 2013).  Before starting the window cleaning business, I had only worked for people who were operating their own businesses.  No matter which job I worked at, I always enjoyed assignments where I was allowed to use creativity, imagination, and problem-solving skills.  But it was not until I saw my own business idea become a reality that I felt the unequalled satisfaction of an entrepreneur.  The strategy that I had devised was bringing results that exceeded my own expectations and work no longer felt like work.  I was earning more money than I had ever earned before but building the business from scratch and seeing it grow was the greatest source of satisfaction that I had ever experienced.  

4. A business needs to be clearly defined (Glackin 2013).  The amount of revenue that I could generate as a window cleaner exceeded my own expectations, which at times was two and half times more than I had estimated. This is largely due to the efficiency gained by being very clear on what services I offered, where I offered them, when I offered them, how I offered them, and to whom I offered them:

Who:    Single-story shops.

What:   Window cleaning (and nothing more).

Where: Busy commercial streets within 30 minutes of my home.

When:  On the days and times when I am already servicing shops on that street.

How:    Using professional equipment, professional techniques, while dressed like a professional.

​5. There are benefits to being the first to enter a market (Glackin 2013).  My strategy was effective, I built up more customers than Bob's business, and I did dominate areas throughout the city that provided stability.  But in the end, Bob and I earned roughly the same income which was between 400 and 500 dollars each day.  The difference was that I had to clean almost twice as many windows in a day to earn the same income. Therefore, being the second business to enter the market with a similar strategy meant that I had to work much harder to earn the same profit.

Part II - Further Developing and Applying the Skills of an Entrepreneur


     Managing the window cleaning business from Taiwan was not overly difficult but when problems arose I was often unable to solve them in a timely fashion.  Therefore, after moving from Taiwan to Shanghai in 2005, I decided that it was time to sell the window cleaning business and move on to bigger and better things.  Selling the business would not only free up time for other pursuits, but I would also have some money to put toward the next business opportunity.  I was working part-time as an English teacher in Shanghai, China and was surrounded by countless other expatriates who were either running their own businesses or working as managers of foreign businesses.  Meeting so many driven people who were engaged in foreign trade sparked my interest in starting an importing or exporting business. 


     To assist me in making a decision on how to get involved in international trade, I purchased the third edition of a book called Building an Import / Export Business, written by Kenneth Weiss.  For the most part, the book stated principles that were based on common sense and similar to the principles of running any business, but there were four points that I benefited from greatly that anyone starting an importing business would not necessarily be aware of:


1. It is always easier to pull products rather than push them (Weiss 2002).  In other words, if you can start with a buyer and then go looking for products to meet the buyer’s needs, you will not have to spend so much energy looking for buyers.  Therefore, an ideal importing situation starts with the buyer since products can always be found for buyers.  Buyers, on the other hand, cannot always be found for products.


2. No matter what product you import or export, you must know the product very well (Weiss 2002).  The book explained that many entrepreneurs have entered markets that they know very little about simply because they see the opportunity to earn a profit. The example given was a businessman who imported motorcycles just because he had a buyer and a manufacturer.  But importing a product that you cannot identify as defective, such as a motor, often leads to the importer accepting a product from the factory that gets rejected by the buyer.  The point is to make sure that you, the importer, know your product well enough to know which products should be rejected since you will get stuck with any and all products that your customer rejects.

3. When it comes to shipping documents, accuracy is essential (Weiss 2002).  Documents, such as bills of lading, must match their respective packing lists and commercial invoices exactly or it will cause delays and late penalties at the ports of destination. For example, if a product is shipped in 400 cartons with 500 units in each carton, it is must be written exactly this way on the packing list and on the bill of lading.  Even though 500 cartons with 400 units each is the exact same quantity, if there is a discrepancy in the way that it is recorded, the shipment will not clear customs until corrective documents are submitted. Therefore, it is vital to check all shipping documents as soon as they are available and have any errors corrected immediately. 


4. After imported goods are sold to buyers, continue to make yourself (Weiss 2002).  This piece of advice is intended to prevent buyers from circumventing the importer and buying directly from the factory.  In this day and age, it is all too easy for companies to find the source of products through a simple search on the internet.  Bills of lading are often posted online and several websites offer importing records for any importing company for a fee.  Therefore, in order to maintain long-term relationships, an importer must provide useful services to the buyer, such as quality inspections at the factories, long after the first sale.


Starting with a Buyer 

     Starting with the first point that I learned from the book Building an Import / Export Business, I considered long and hard who I knew that purchased a great deal of products that I may be able to source products for.  The only friend that I knew of who was purchasing large quantities of product was Mike Denike of Sundance Foods. Mike was exporting wild smoked salmon and other seafood products all over the world. After meeting with Mike, we quickly concluded that products marked “made in China” would not be a good fit for his high-end brand of products. 


     On the same visit, Mike and I also determined that within the Chinese market at the time, there were not enough customers that would appreciate the difference between farmed and wild salmon to make my efforts to export his products to China worthwhile. Without a buyer or a western product to sell in China, I was left with the more difficult approach to importing, which is pushing products rather than pulling.  Mike could see that I was determined to start another business and concluded our meeting by offering me a valuable advice that I would use a few years later: “The number one reason for failed businesses in the US and Canada is uncontrolled growth.” Although I still did not have an idea for a product or a market to target, I did come away from the meeting with a very important piece of information that I would later use to guide the growth of the business.  From that point on, I spent the next two years attending trade show exhibitions throughout China in search of a product worthy of pushing. 

Finding the Right Product

     Attending trade show exhibitions was an important learning experience because I was able to meet many young and aspiring entrepreneurs who, just like me, were hunting for products to meet the needs of society.  The search for products, though, was unfruitful because I mainly encountered products for markets that needed a large investment to get into. Other products were already sold in large quantities but were less profitable due to being late in the product's life cycle.  I concluded that neither option was attractive for a new importing business to get started with. 


     However, in March of 2007 I did find an interesting product while I was on vacation in England.  When ordering a coffee in London, I saw that the coffee shop offered disposable tablespoons for stirring coffee that were made of wood.  Unlike the wooden spoons that I had seen as a child, which were completely flat like a paddle, these spoons were actually curved and formed like a normal spoon.  Since I had years of experience in carpentry, I was intrigued by the shape of the wooden spoons and how the cupped end was accomplished. Aside from the interesting shape, I was also impressed that the spoon was completely natural.  Only weeks before seeing this disposable wooden spoon, I had read an article about the amount of plastic that was floating in the ocean and had wished I could do something about it.  I immediately recognized the opportunity that I had been searching for so I left the cafe with a handful of wooden spoons.  I was excited to research the market and determine if there was a suitable strategy that could be used to secure a large enough portion of the disposable tableware market. I also needed to compare the pricing but before I could do that I needed find a factory.       

Researching the Market

     It did not take long for me to determine that the market for disposable tableware was a massive market.  One statistic I read was that 10 billion pieces of plastic cutlery reach landfills in America every year.  If the number of pieces that reach the landfills each year is 10 billion, then the number of pieces purchased each year must be even higher since some are recycled and others are discarded carelessly and never reach the landfills.  So there was no question that the market for disposable tableware was large enough to sustain a newcomer, especially one that is naturally biodegradable.  At the time of researching the availibility of wooden cutlery in North America, there were no products like it anywhere, so there were no apparent "barriers to entry" (Glackin 2013).

Determining Feasibility

     The next question to consider was whether the pricing would be affordable enough to capture enough of the market (Glackin 2013).  I began researching how much companies pay for disposable plastic spoons.  To find the answer, I simply contacted a foodservice distributor in California and asked for pricing on the plastic spoons.  The price ranged from 1 cent for a flimsy plastic utensil to 2.5 cents per piece for a high quality one.  I reasoned that customers would expect to pay more for a wooden utensil but the price would still have to be close in order to be affordable for most businesses and not just the high-end businesses.  I decided it would be necessary to search for a factory in China in order to compete in the disposable tableware market which mostly produced in Asia.  After weeks of contacting factories across China by phone and email, I not only found a factory to make a similar wooden cutlery, I found the very factory that had produced the wooden spoons that I grabbed from the cafe in London. The price per piece was roughly between 1 cent and 1.5 cents each, depending on the item.  Therefore, I decided to make the following calculations to determine if a 100 percent markup would be feasible for customers:

     Using these rough estimates, I determined that we could keep the enduser prices within a reasonable distance from plastic cutlery if we could operate profitably within a 100-percent markup and if we could find foodservice distributors to sell our products within a 40-percent markup.  After negotiating a small minimum quantity order from the wooden cutlery factory, I put together the following estimates for operating expenses for a one-year period:





     After calculating the fixed costs for conducting business over a one-year period, I determined that a 100-percent markup from the product cost at the factory was reasonable yet it also allowed some room for error.  On average, we could earn of profit of $5 on a case of 1,000 pieces of wooden utensils that we would sell to distributors for $30 each. Selling all of the product would have a total revenue of $36,000 and a profit of at least $6,700. If business continued beyond the first year, the actual profit would be higher since some of the fixed expenses, such as the website and fax machine, would not occur every 12 months would be spread across three or four years.  Thus, staying in business for several years would reduce the expenses and increase profit.  Importing full containers would also reduce our shipping and handling fees so there were many ways that our profit would increase as the size and frequency of orders increased.  I was confident that we could eventually sell much more than a minimum order each year, which only used eight feet of a 20-foot shipping container. Using these calculations, I decided that I wanted to go ahead with importing the wooden cutlery from China.  Unlike the needs of the window cleaning business, much more thought and planning would be needed. There would be a need for marketing, inventory management, and cashflow management.  None of these were a significant part of the window cleaning business.  I also wanted to build a team since "pooling resources" and joining forces with "people who have different strengths" would help the business go farther (Glackin 2013).

Building a Team


     Even though I had found the wooden cutlery factory in May of 2007 and determined that selling disposable wooden cutlery in North America was a feasible business idea shortly afterwards, it was not until June of 2008 that I would eventually incorporate a business and place the first order. The 13 months after determining feasibility were spent on building a team, planning, and marketing.  I have always found numbers easy to manage but managing people and doing sales calls were never my strengths. Therefore, I decided to build a team that had strengths different from mine and who were invested in the business.  Having partners who invested into the business meant that I needed to invest less.  A second benefit is that people tend to work harder when they have some ownership in the business (Glackin 2013).  I also needed to choose people that I trusted.  


     My first choice for a business partner was Liam Callaghan from Berkeley, California.  We both worked part-time at the same language school in Shanghai.  Liam was very creative and good with people. Being from Berkeley, he also had a very good understanding of ecological issues and understood the growing demand for eco-friendly products in the United States.  An unforeseen benefit was that Liam had an uncle who owned a warehouse in Oakland who was willing to give us free warehousing until the business was earning a profit.  Liam liked the product immediately and he agreed that the business idea was feasible.  He offered to invest $5,500 and to contribute his talents in any way that was needed.

     My second choice, Javan Smith, came as a recommendation from Liam.  Liam and I both lived in Shanghai so it was obvious that at least one of our partners needed to be in the United States.  Most of the duties required to get the business up and running could be performed from China but there were certain duties that could not, such as sales.  Therefore, the third partner needed to act as the salesman in the beginning and eventually oversee sales as the business grew.  Liam immediately recommended Javan since they had known each other their entire lives and Liam regarded Javan as a trustworthy person who was gifted at sales. I had met Javan in Shanghai briefly when he had visited a year earlier, so it was a benefit to have already seen him interact with other people.  After speaking with Javan online extensively, he agreed to invest $5,500 into the business and to oversee sales in the United States while continuing to work as a fireman.  Additionally, his home in Berkeley would serve as the office for the business for the first few years.

     There was some consideration to add another partner, Kevin Taylor, who had extensive marketing experience.  The problem was that Kevin was unable to invest financially into the business and he also wanted to receive a small monthly salary for his services.  Since our resources were extremely limited and the need for a professional marketer was not pressing, we decided to leave Kevin Taylor out of the partnership.  This proved to be a wise decision since there was no reason to give any amount of ownership to a member that was not investing financially and whose services could just as easily be hired at the same rate from someone else.   

Gathering Resources

     In the early 1800's, the French Economist Jean-Baptiste Say said: “The entrepreneur shifts economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield” (Glackin 2013).  Our business needed resources before any "shifting to a greater yield" could take place, which included financial resources and human resources.  I recognized early on that I would not have as much success by relying on my own knowledge, skills, and talents.  Therefore, by building a team, we tripled our human resources and our connections, which included the use of a warehouse in a very strategic location.  


     Financially, we were also stronger than if I had relied on my own resources.  I had more savings than the $12,200 that I agreed to invest.  But each partner contributing financially lessened the investment burden and reduced our opportunity costs.  Each of my partners agreed to invest $5,500, so our total initial investment was $22,200. Since our initial capitalization was under $35,000 and the owners would be involved in the regular operation of the business, our business would be classified as a microenterprise (Glackin 2013).  With such a low initial investment, we would need a solid business plan to turn our resources into a business with significant yields.



Estimated Weekly Revenue:​

                  Number of windows that can be cleaned in an hour (1 window per minute, 50% downtime):                30

                  Number of windows that can be cleaned in an 8-hour day (8 hours x 30 windows):                                     240

                  Daily revenue based on charging $1 per window (240 windows x $1):                                                              $240

                  Weekly revenue based on 166 days of annual rainfall in Vancouver (3 days x $240):                      $720

Estimated Weekly Variable Costs:​

                 Fuel Expense (100 miles per day x 3 days ÷ 25 miles per gallon x $4 per gallon):         $48

                 Parking Expense (15 times each week x $2 average parking fee):                                         30

                 Car Repairs ($7 per 100 miles x 3 days each week):                                                          21   

                 Equipment Expense ($250 per year ÷ 50 working weeks in a year):                               5  

                 Stationary Supplies Expense (1 invoice book per day x 3 work days):                            3

                 Soap and Small Tools ($100 per year ÷ 50 working weeks in a year):                                   2

                                                 Total Weekly Variable Costs:                                                      $109


Estimated Weekly Fixed Costs:​

                 Car insurance ($1040 per year ÷ 52 weeks in a year):                                                $20

                 Liability insurance ($520 per year ÷ 52 weeks in a year):                                                       10

                                                                         Total Weekly Variable Costs:                                  30

                                                                         Total Estimated Weekly Costs:                                  $139

Estimated Weekly Revenue:​

                  Number of windows that can be cleaned in an hour (1 window per minute, 25% downtime):               45

                  Number of windows that can be cleaned in an 8-hour day (8 hours x 45 windows):                           360

                  Daily revenue based on charging $1 per window (360 windows x $1):                                             $360

                  Weekly revenue based on working every day despite the weather (5 days x $360):                                  $1800

Estimated Weekly Variable Costs:​

                 Fuel Expense (100 miles per day x 5 days ÷ 25 miles per gallon x $4 per gallon):                   $80

                 Parking Expense (25 times each week x $2 average parking fee):                                             50

                 Car Repairs ($7 per 100 miles x 5 days each week):                                                                  35   

                 Equipment Expense (500 per year ÷ 50 working weeks in a year):                                                          10

                 Clothing / Uniform Expense (500 per year ÷ 50 working weeks in a year):                                               10

                 Stationary Supplies Expense (1 invoice book per day x 5 work days):                                         5

                 Soap and Small Tools ($200 per year ÷ 50 working weeks in a year):                                                  4

                                                 Total Weekly Variable Costs:                                                                                      $194

Estimated Weekly Fixed Costs:​

                 Car insurance ($1040 per year ÷ 52 weeks in a year):                                                             $20

                 Advertising Expense ($1040 per year ÷ 52 weeks in a year):                                                                20

                 Liability insurance ($520 per year ÷ 52 weeks in a year):                                                                10

                                                                         Total Weekly Variable Costs:                                                     $50

                                                                         Total Estimated Weekly Costs:                                       $244

Estimated markup feasibility:

     Our selling price to distributors for wooden knives @ 1 cent per piece marked up 100%:                      $0.020   

     Our selling price to distributors for wooden spoons @ 1.4 cents per piece marked up 100%:                  0.028

     Our selling price to distributors for wooden forks @ 1.5 cents per piece marked up 100%:                      0.030   

     Distributor selling price to endusers for wooden knives @ 2.0 cents per piece marked up 40%:            $0.028   

     Distributor selling price to endusers for wooden spoons @ 2.8 cents per piece marked up 40%:                 0.039

     Distributor selling price to endusers for wooden forks @ 3.0 cents per piece marked up 40%:                        0.042   

Estimated variable operating expenses:

     Minimum order of wooden cutlery from the factory:                                      $18,000

     Sales commission based on paying salesman 10% of $36,000:                      3,600      

     Cost of ocean freight (less than container load) for minimum order:                1,000

     Handling and delivery fees at port of destination:                                                600

                                                              Total variable operating expenses:      $23,200


Estimated fixed operating expenses:

     Twelve months of warehousing fees for minimum order quantity:                           3,600

     Product liability insurance:                                                                                          800

     A custom website design:                                                                                        500

     Legal expenses (for incorporation):                                                                              400  

     Twelve months of business banking fees:                                                                 300                                                     

     One year of website domain hosting:                                                                   200      

     Multi-function machine fax/printer/scanner:                                                                200

     Stationary (business cards, information sheets):                                                 100                          


                                                          Total fixed operating expenses:                  $6,100

                                                          Total operating expenses for the year:      $29,300

Writing Down a Plan

     Now that we had a team and each member had defined roles, it was time to make a more detailed business plan.  We had already calculated our business expenses for the first year but this alone does not constitute a business plan.  Aside from cost calculation, a business plan includes: the story of what the business will be, a marketing plan, a description of how the business will be financed, and an estimate of projected earning (Glackin 2013).  We were not seeking financing from other investors or for credit from the bank at this time, so our business plan in the beginning did not include an executive summary and other details used to help others to understand our business.  But we did need to have the primary content and objectives in writing so that all three partners started off working unitedly:

1. The story of what the business will be:  We determined that our company would be aimed at supplying attractive, eco-friendly products to consumers at prices that are sustainable for businesses.  Formed by three partners who are passionate about reducing our carbon footprint, we would make our products affordable to all by running an efficient business with low overhead.  As expressed on our website, "We are dedicated to developing and producing disposable cutlery and tableware that are convenient for use in our modern world, but that are made from RENEWABLE resources."

2. A marketing plan:  Knowing who were were and who we needed to target helped us to form an effective marketing plan. We did not have a lot of money available for advertising.  And in order to sell millions and eventually billions of pieces of cutlery, we needed to be at a price point that appealed to the majority, not the minority.  Therefore, we decided to get the product into the hands of sales teams who worked for foodservice distributors, rather than relying on our one salesman to find endusers.  We needed a beautiful website with attractive pictures to direct interested people to for product information and to know how and where to purchase the products.  Therefore, our four P's of marketing from the beginning were:

Product:  Well-designed, eco-friendly disposable tableware sold in bulk, starting with disposable wooden cutlery

Pricing:   Priced just slightly above a quality plastic spoon.  Endusers can purchase our utensils at 4 cents per piece.

Promotion: Make use of sales teams at distributors in North America who already know their markets well.  Find distributors through direct marketing such as emailing and direct calling, mailing samples and information sheets, and directing everyone to our attractive website.  

Place:  We will make our products available in the United States and Canada through foodservice distributors.  

3. How the business will be financed:  Our initial investment of $22,200 would be used to finance all business operations. If more funding would be required, we would borrow money internally (from owners) or seek a loan from the bank. 

4. Estimate of projected earnings:  It was important to understand the minimum sales targets in order to reach the breakeven point as well as the maximum amounts that could be sold without running into product shortages.  Therefore, we used the following calculations to determine what our projected earnings would be:

     Coincidentally, the breakeven point turned out to be exactly the amount of product that we managed to negotiate as a minimum order. Having this number identified gave Javan a clear indication of how much he needed to sell to keep the business afloat. Since Liam's uncle was giving us free warehousing in Oakland until our business was turning a profit, we had some extra leeway before the business would actually lose money.  Now that we had a minimum sales target set, we needed to calculate how much product could be sold without running out, which could potentially lead to losing our customers (Glackin 2013).  We used the following lead times to calculate our turnover limitations:



     From these calculations, we learned that our low initial investment combined with long lead times and shipping times greatly limited how many shipments of cutlery we could handle in a year.  Targeting customers with quantity demands greater than what we could deliver would likely damage our reputation and cause us to lose customers (Glackin 2013).  The turn around times could be improved with financing (by starting orders before receiving payment from customers and by increasing the size of our orders) but the production lead times and shipping times would still limit our capacity to roughly 6 shipments a year. By understanding our limitations and the limitations of the factory, we became aware of how much product he could rightfully promise to supply and also made us aware that we would eventually need to improve the process.


Deciding Ownership

     In August of 2007, a verbal agreement was made to form a partnership between Liam Callaghan, Javan Smith, and I.  We spent the following 10 months collecting information and photos for building an attractive website and researching the best ways to promote our products. The original idea for the business was mine, so I was resolved to maintain 51 percent ownership. The other two partners had agreed to accept 24.5 percent ownership each for their respective investments of $5,500 each. In the beginning of June of 2008, we finally made our business a legal entity when we incorporated the business in the state of California under the name Eco-gecko Products Incorporated.  

Creating Wealth and Learning Valuable Lessons

     Now that we had sketched a clear plan, had built an attractive website (, and had the business legally established, we moved ahead with purchasing our first order of wooden cutlery in bulk packaging in July of 2008.  We had determined that the west coast of the United Staes was the best area to target. Therefore, we had our first order shipped to Oakland, California where it would be warehoused at the warehouse owned by Liam's uncle, Anchor Distributing.  It was time to execute our plan and start earning a profit, which is evidence that the entrepreneur is adding value (Glackin 2013).

     Year 1:  Even though we believed that selling $36,000 worth of disposable wooden cutlery in the first year was a manageable task, it was a target that we did not even come close to reaching.  Nearly everyone that Javan showed the product to thought that the wooden cutlery was unique and beautiful but distributors were not interested exploring new products at the time.  The United States was right in the middle of the financial crisis and many businesses were cutting wherever they could just to stay afloat. Without a distributor to show our products around, Javan resorted to directly approaching cafes, restaurants, and natural food stores in the San Francisco Bay Area, which is something that we had previously resolved to not do.  At the end of 2008, our sales did not even reach $1000 and we therefore reported a loss.  Thus, I learned two valuable lessons from the first year:


1) It is vital to understand the economic situation whenever (or wherever) launching a product.  We cannot assume that our ideas or products are immune to ever-changing economic conditions.  Inferior products often sell better in times of economic downturn and sales of superior products slow down (Kotler 2015).  Our product was a superior product which made it an extremely hard sell during a financial crisis.  I learned that it is important to know what the buying attitudes are at any given time and how the economy affects which products are more desirable.

2) When planning a business, it is vital to prepare for loses before earning profit (Glackin 2013).  We started our business with such a small investment that our plan required us to start selling right away.  Although it was not impossible to start earning profit right away, we were not prepared for the event that sales would start out slow.  We had very little money in the bank to operate the business and it was slowly dwindling away.  I learned from our difficult first year that it is good to hope for early success,  but an entrepreneur must be prepared for the worst case scenario.

     Year 2: Our second year started out the same way that the first year started.  Customers liked what we showed them but we were still without a distributor.  I was convinced that there was a growing market for green products, so I decided that we needed to create demand in order for distributors to want to take on our products.  From China, I spent a few hours each night writing emails to potential customers in the United States and offered to mail samples to them.  After a few months of emailing hundreds of potential consumers, we had a catering company and an ice cream sandwich shop using our products regularly.  Sales were only at a few hundred dollars each month so we were still not paying for warehousing.  Liam and Javan were both losing interest in the business and were no longer convinced that the product would sell well.  At times when I found interest, Javan would take many days or even weeks to mail out samples.  From our second year of slow sales, I learned another valuable lesson:

3) Having connections in business is a major advantage (Johnson 2013).  If Liam's uncle had not granted us free warehousing for as long as we needed it, the business would not have survived beyond the second year.  I learned that some times it really does matter who you know.

     Year 3:  By the beginning of the third year, Javan and I were no longer working in sync.  I was looking to build a group of customers that we could hand over to a distributor but Javan was starting to show our products to discount markets to help us clear out our inventory.  Not convinced that we should quit, I decided to visit California to see if I could find a distributor. On the day that I landed in San Francisco, one of our few customers, Taste Catering, placed an order for twelve cases of our wooden forks. Rather than letting the customer pick up the product from the warehouse, I saw this an an opportunity to get some feedback about our product and some information about distributors. Therefore, I offered to deliver the order myself.  Javan agreed to join me so we delivered the product the next day. After delivering the product to their warehouse, I asked if we could meet the manager for a moment to discuss the product.  To our surprise, the manager, Paul Sullivan, told us how our product if by far the least expensive of the natural products he could find.  He expressed how he loved the quality of the product and his customers often praised the beauty of the product as well.  I proceeded to ask Paul where he buys his other natural products from and he named two distributors that we had never heard of before.  


     Armed with some new and positive information, I called both of the distributors he names that same Thursday afternoon.  On the very next day, I met with both distributors.  One of these distributors, Excellent Packaging and Supply (EPS), showed us how they had customers all across the United States.  As a result, we agreed to let them become our exclusive distributor. Despite the positive improvements on that trip, Javan announced to me that his schedule no longer allowed him to properly care for the business and that he would prefer to become a silent partner.  My other partner, Liam, also announced that he was willing to serve as a consultant to the business but did not want to be involved on a regular basis.  Although I was upset by the decisions of my partners, I could do little to stop them. We now had a distributor but I had to return to China and leave sales in the hands of someone who no longer wanted to be involved.  I learned the next lesson the hard way:


5) Every business must have an exit plan (Johnson 2014).  The success of our business plan was contingent on full participation of the owners until their was enough profit to pay employees.  A major problem was that our plan did not state that participation was required nor did it state the consequences of not performing assigned duties.  What happens if one or more partners do not perform well?  Part-ownership was granted regardless of performance and there was no exit plan or backup plan for replacement.  I learned the hard way that a business must rely on systems and not people (Glackin 2013). If any person does not perform, the system must allow for the processes to continue which usually requires replacement or circumventing of the underperforming person.  Our plan relied too heavily on people, not systems,  and had no course of action to replace the most important performers.


     Year 4: With sales reaching almost $20,000 in the third year, we needed to place a second order of wooden cutlery from the factory.  It was difficult to negotiate a small order again because it was over two years since the first small order and the factory was expecting more and larger orders from us.  I did manage to negotiate one more small order at $18,0000 on the good news that we finally had a distributor.  Through EPS, our sales were steady at $1000 or $2000 per month. At these levels, we were functioning but we still could not afford to pay for warehousing.  One of Javan's cousins was helping him to fill orders but he was only getting a 10-percent commission which worked out to be about $150 per month.  We were excited to hear that Microsoft began using our wooden cutlery at two of their cafeterias in Redmond, Washington but sales only increased from $19,443 in 2013 to $21,431 in 2014.  The next two valuable lessons became evident through the stagnant sales in 2013 and 2014:

6) Do not make agreements that work against your business plan.  Out of desperation to find a distributor, I  granted exclusive distributorship to EPS without asking two very important questions.  1. How much is your standard markup?  2. How much product do you expect to sell each year?  In our basic business plan, we had determined that our products would be affordable when marked up by the distributor by 40 percent.  EPS had a standard markup of 100 percent.  This amount of markup put the product out of reach for the majority of customers.  And no matter what the markup amount is, exclusive distributorship (or exclusive rights of any kind) should only be granted if the other party can meet expected levels.  In this case, I should have required a minimum sales target before limiting ourselves to one distributor.  The levels met by EPS were well below levels worthy of exclusivity.  From this situation, I could see more clearly than ever that the success of a business is in the business plan and how well it is executed (Glackin 2013).

7) The success of the sales team can make you or break you (Kotler 2015).  Our plan was to get the product into the hands of distributors and to let them show the products to buyers all over the city.  This part of the plan was not entirely wrong but we needed to motive our own salesman to find customers before we could expect others to do it for us. Our commission did not motivate Javan or his cousin.  And the sales team that we were relying on were overcharging for our product.  I learned that underpaying salesman was stifling sales and had lead us to the point of breaking.


     Year 5: At the beginning of the fifth year, I was extremely frustrated and I was ready to close down the business.  I was looking for distributors across the United States but most were only mildly interested in eco-friendly products.  I gradually began to turn my attention away from foodservice distributors and gave one last effort to a growing number of online distributors that specialized in earth-friendly products.  Early in 2012, I found a few small websites to sell our products after mailing them some samples.  In the beginning, I did not expect much from these small stores but their regular orders gave me some hope.  The next website that I contacted would prove to be the break we were looking for.  After sending our samples and pricing information to an online store called Webstaurants, I received a form to fill out to become a supplier.  Shortly after filling out the form, I received an order large enough to clear out all of our inventory.  To my surprise, their first order was for $24,000 worth of our wooden cutlery.  


     The buyer at Webstaurants, Dan Brobst, made it clear that they would likely place an order of this size every two months and that I needed to deliver within two weeks of receiving an order to remain in good standing.  I was very excited but I was also very aware that we did not have the ability to replace our inventory so quickly.  I needed to get the factory making another order as quickly as possible.  If I waited 30 days to be paid for the first order from Webstaurants, it would take another 60 days after that to receive the shipment from the factory.  We could not risk being a month late on the second order.  Also, the factory now required that we order a full container of wooden cutlery as a minimum order.  The cost for a full container was roughly $50,000.  We did not even have enough cash in the bank to start an order (which required a 30-percent deposit) nor would we have enough pay for the full order after it was shipped.  I saw this as a very good chance to finally make a success out of this business idea so I decided to invest another $20,000 into the business to start the next order.  I still believed in the idea and my partners agreed to let me buy a greater share of ownership to make it happen. Webstaurants did order more product after two and a half months and thankfully we were forced to order a full container of wooden cutlery because the orders kept coming from that point on and the orders also increased in size.  By the end of the 2012, our sales had finally reached a profitable level of $189,188 and we could finally pay all of our vendors fairly, including the warehouse.  With the profit came more lessons:

8) Being good at sales does not always come down to how well you speak, but how much you believe in your product (Kotler 2015).  I had always resigned myself as someone who was good at numbers but not good at sales.  This did not make sense because I had already made a success out of the window cleaning business which involved a lot of sales. I did not enjoy doing sales for the window cleaning business but I did it relatively well because I knew that I had the best service available.  The same applied to the wooden cutlery because I truly believed it was a better product than plastic or any of the newly emerging cornstarch-based utensils. Therefore, I learned that a person's sincerity along with a strong belief in the product are among the most important factors to being a good salesman, not an ability to charm customers with smooth words.

9) There is risk in not taking a risk (Johnson 2013).  If I had not been willing to take the risk and invest more money and more energy into the business, the business would have most definitely failed.  I took a calculated risk which in the end was the only option for success.  Therefore, I learned that entrepreneurs need to take calculated risks in order to enjoy success (Glackin 2013)

Breakeven point estimation:

  (Fixed Costs)  $6,100  

  (Profit per case) $5.00     =     1,220 cases of wooden cutlery (or $36,600 at the price of $30 per case)

Turnover and sales limitations:


                      Lead time for factory to produce a minimum order:               30 days

                      Shipping time from Dalian, China to Oakland, CA:                 25 days

                      Customary credit terms given to distributors:                  30 days

                                                                       Minimum turnover time:  85 days

                                                                       Maximum annual turnover:  365 ÷ 85  =  4.3 

                                                                       Maximum annual sales:       4.3 x $36,000  =  $154,800 


Experiential Learning of Advanced Business Skills

Executive Summary

     While running a small business in Canada for seven years and running an international business that spanned Asia and North America for nine years, I gained knowledge and advanced entrepreneurial skills that would normally be taught in classrooms of higher education.  The advantage to acquiring these skills and theories through experiential learning is that I have had the opportunity to practice them over and over again with each customer I served or with each shipment that I imported.  Further to this, whenever I failed to apply the rules and principles of business to the extent that was necessary, I suffered consequences that affected me personally, which made their importance even more clear.   Having had a total of 16 years of hands-on experience running two different businesses, my learning experiences have enabled me to adequately acquire the knowledge and skills required for running a business that operates either locally or globally. 

     Year 6:  From the sixth year forward, our sales continued to remain well into the profitable range. With increasing demand for our products, I had very a challenging time balancing our cash flow without any sources of credit.  At all times, I needed to keep an accurate list of all accounts payable and all accounts receivable.  Whenever I had enough money for the 30-percent deposit to start an order, I would immediately start the next order with the factory. The orders became more frequent and at times I needed to order 40-foot containers just to keep up with demand.  Aside from keeping up with current demand, I also made a calculated decision to turn down some newly interested businesses to make sure that I always had enough product for my current customer base.  I now lived by the words of my friend, Mike Denike, who shared with me the valuable piece of information that listed uncontrolled growth as the number one reason for failed businesses in North America.  If I had taken on more customers, I would likely lose some of my current customers.  If I ever lost Webstaurants, I would end up with a massive amount of product and no big customers to sell it to.  So the ability to control the rate of growth was the skill needed to overcome the danger of growing too quickly.  Therefore, I frequently turned down offers to supply customers that I estimated were too large for us to handle, such as Whole Foods and Restaurant Depot.

     In the sixth year, I also decided to try my hand at pulling products rather than pushing.  I now knew some important buyers so I decided to discover other products that they might be interested in.  I was asked to find better prices on some items that the online stores purchased through other companies, such as wooden coffee stirrers and bamboo plates.  I decided to bring these items in at a lower markup in order to increase our revenue and gain efficiency.  


     I also noticed a new product on bridal websites that was being used with our wooden cutlery at outdoor weddings: palm leaf plates. I loved the look of the dinner plates which are made from leaves that fall from areca palm trees in India. The only company importing them at the time was a company called Verterra, but their plates retailed for roughly $1 each.  Therefore, I decided to apply the market penetrating strategy used by Japanese automakers in the 1970s.  I recognized that if there was a market for these plates at $1 per piece, there must be a much larger market at 40 cents or 50 cents each.  Therefore, I presented the idea to Webstaurants that I could import palm leaf plates for them at the lowest price possible.  With their markup of only 20 percent, and by keeping our costs low, I believed that we could sell millions of these plates in the United States.  My estimates were correct. In the sixth year, our sales nearly tripled to $556,242, which was an increase of $367,054 in just one year. Roughly two thirds of the increase can be attributed to the addition of the palm leaf plates.  Therefore, we became the "Toyota" or palm leaf plates while Verterra remains to the "Cadillac" of palm leaf plates.  Verterra plates are higher quality than our plates, but we sell them by the millions, not the thousands.  Therefore, more valuable lessons were learned:


10)  Opportunities are everywhere but you need to be looking for them (Johnson 2013). In fact, it has been said that entrepreneurs need to be listening, observing, and thinking in order to recognize opportunities (Glackin 2013).  If I had not been looking for more products to introduce to Webstaurants, I would not have noticed the quiet introduction of palm leaf plates. If I had not listened to what our customers were saying about palm leaf plates on wedding websites, I definitely would not have not have recognized the opportunity. And thinking about the advantages to selling multiple products to the same customer definitely presented the right opportunity.  The success of adding palm leaf plates to our line of products taught me to to look, listen, and think about every need in society and where possible solutions could be found.

11) Expanding a line of products is one of the best ways to grab a bigger share of the market (Kotler 2015).  We spent four difficult years trying to get into the eco-friendly tableware market with only limited success.  But in the sixth year, our increase in sales exceeded the sales totals from the previous five years by adding products that were similar and could be used together.  I learned from this that good planning executed at the right time can grab a huge share of the market with a lot less effort than what it took you to get there.  Expanding the product line is one of those ways.

     Year 7: In the seventh year, I was expecting to increase sales of Eco-gecko Products but in the end our sales decreased by about 2.5%. The reason for the decrease is that we were no longer the only company importing wooden cutlery from China.  Also, several other companies began importing palm leaf plates.  The largest effect was caused by my second biggest customer, Koyal Wholesale, who was purchasing enough of the wooden utensils from us to make it worthwhile to import it themselves. The customers that I retained were selling increasingly more but I did lose some ket customers due to increased competition.

     On a positive note, this was the year that our wooden products attained certified from the Forest Stewardship Council as being harvested sustainably.  It meant that we had to change from our original supplier but the increase in competition meant that we had to have something recognizable and trustworthy that set us apart from the other sellers.  So starting in January of 2014, Eco-gecko Products has had FSC-approved Chain of Custody certification for sustainably harvested wood products.  This certification attracted many customers who were concerned about the sustainability of the products that they were previously using, including Crate & Barrel.  Shortly after receiving our certification, we were contacted by Crate & Barrel to make a co-branded product that would be sold in Crate & Barrel stores all over the world, including the United States, Canada, Singapore, and Dubai.  I personally sourced the red tin box that they wanted and had the labels made for them at the printing shop I was using in Shanghai.  From answering the first phone call from Crate & Barrel to delivering the finished product in Tracey, CA, I was involved in every step.

12) Every product goes through the product life cycle (Kotler 2015).  The theory behind the product life cycles explains that a company who enters a product market early can charge more for the product in the early stages but the volume is normally low.  As the volume increases, more companies are attracted to the profit and enter the market.  The result is lower earnings on each item but the market is still profitable due to the higher volume.  And later, as more and more companies are attracted to the profit, some companies begin to drop out of the market. Our products, just like every other product out there, was experiencing the ups and downs of the open market and normal product life cycle. We did not want to lose Webstaurants, so we lowered our prices before they decided to start importing the wooden products themselves.

13) Without strong branding, it is difficult to maintain hold on a market (Kotler 2015).  The brand we created , Eco-gecko, is not as strong as the Verterra brand. Verterra received their funding from the TV show "Shark Tank" and thereafter did an excellent job at creating brand awareness. Our focus was to provide a similar product at half the price, which we accomplished.  In fact, some online stores sell our product at one third of the price of Verterra's plates. Our plan succeeded but it will be short-lived without better branding.  The reason is that anyone can use the same strategy that we did.  The palm leaf plate industry has grown considerably in four years and that allows anyone to import the same product and to employ leader pricing.  Without control of the factory, branding is the only way to ensure customer loyalty.  I learned that using the price leader strategy for products that can be easily duplicated makes it very easy for us to be replaced.

     Year 8: In 2015, we experienced another surge in sales that helped us to reach a new peak of $876,197. Our assets, which are mainly comprised of product inventory and cash in the bank, also reach a new high of $291,526.  Since I had started running the entire company by myself four years earlier, it also meant that I was able to pay myself the highest sales commission that I had ever received, which was $87,619.  I added US Foods as a new foodservice distributor in California which opened up sales opportunities across the country.  The satisfaction of taking the business from a struggling microbusiness to a growing small business was finally realized.  But as always, there was a lesson to be learned:

14) It is difficult to work on a business when you are working in your business (Johnson 2013).  Having more sales orders to handle meant that I had less time for planning and developing new products.  I needed to hire a web developer to help us with the Eco-gecko website and our own online store ( which we use as a discount store to sell our overstocked items. Even with the help, I learned that entrepreneurs cannot run every aspect of the business on their own and still manage to steer the company in the right direction.  Therefore, I began creating systems where people can be hired and take over the basic duties of handling orders and shipping them to customers across the United States and Canada. This will be required before my wife and I can head back to Asia in 2017 to source new products.

     Year 9: In the first three quarters of 2016, we have reached sales close to our peak in 2015. The fourth quarter is consistently the slowest quarter but it is safe to estimate our final sales to be no less than $950,000.  One reason for the increase was the result of a new solution to an old problem.  One of the first online stores that I started with,, was only selling a few hundred dollars worth of our products each month for the last 5 years.  After analyzing their needs and our needs closely, I came to the conclusion that we could sell a lot more product through their store if we shipped large orders to them by truck, rather than shipping small orders by United Parcel Service, which added $10 or $15 dollars to the retail price.  The solution would require that I ship a large quantity of products to their warehouse at my expense and hope that the reduced cost of shipping results in improved sales. This strategy exceeded our expectations.  This customer was able to reduce his retail prices by 20 to 30 percent. Instead of selling only $200 each month of our products, sales reached as high as $10,000 each month over spring and summer. This new discovery taught me yet another valuable lesson:

15)  The entrepreneur needs to look at many different sources for innovation (Drucker 1985).  In times past, the source of innovation for my businesses ideas was a new service, a new product, or a new channel to sell products.  But the latest source for innovation was discovered by improving a process.  By offering to ship a large quantity of product by truck at the cost of $1 per case, I was able to proactively reduce the cost of the product for the customer by $10 or $15 per case. The potential to sell more product was there all along but neither of us recognized how simple the solution was.  It did require that I took the risk of shipping a large order to my customer, and possibly needing to ship it back if the plan did not work.  But the reward far outweighed the risk. With this discovery, I will start shipping full containers of product directly to this particular customer which will greatly reduce the fees that I normally paid for handling and warehousing.  This will reduce the end selling cost again.  I learned from this that entrepreneurs need to explore every option for improving processes, even for customers that appear insignificant in size.

Part III - Learning to Operating a Business That Crosses Borders

​     Many of the skills that I learned while starting and running an importing business could apply to operating a business anywhere. On the other hand, many of the principles and skills that I learned are especially important for operating a company that crosses cultures and borders. International business, which applies to "any commercial transaction that crosses the borders of two or more nations", is unique in many ways and requires a special set of knowledge and skills (Wild 2012).

Crossing Cultures in Business

     One area that cannot be taken lightly is the differences in culture that exist from one area to another.  Culture, which is defined as “the set of values, beliefs, rules, and institutions held by a specific group of people”, greatly affects the purchasing decisions that we make, as well as the quality of the work we produce (Wild 2012).  While living in Asia for 13 years, I experienced firsthand how different colors represented different meanings in different cultures. 

     For example, at weddings in China, I observed how the bride and groom often wore bright colors, such as red, yellow, and pink. In many western lands, people in wedding parties often do the opposite by wearing colors such as black and white.  Since the decisions we make can be extremely different from culture to culture, to ignore the differences in culture when doing business across cultures would be an enormous mistake.

     And just as there is a predominant national culture that needs to be respected and considered, in each country there are often dozens of subcultures that have varying tastes, values, and attitudes. To think that a product or marketing plan that is successful in one country or area will definitely be successful is another is very wrong.  When shopping the supermarket aisles in Asia, I often came across products that had changed their marketing pitch, packaging, flavors, and even changed their name to be more appealing to the local culture.  At American fast-food chains in Asia, I also observed how changes to the menu were made to be more appealing to the local market.

     For my company, which imports products from India and China into the United States and Canada, I especially needed to be aware of how differences in the local cultures could affect the products that we were seeking to bring to the North American market.  Three areas that I have had to be especially aware of are differences in: 1) locus of control, 2) power distance, and 3) aesthetics.

     Locus of control: Locus of control, which is defined as the degree that a person or a society believe that one can control outcomes, varies from culture to culture (Rutter 1954).  In Japan and Germany, for example, most people believe strongly that they can control outcomes through strict processes.  Mistakes are not viewed as uncontrollable chance occurrences, but are viewed as improper execution of the process.  For this reason, the workers at factories in these two countries expect a much smaller variance in the products they produce.  In the countries that our company is buying products from, China and India, the cultures have a much lower locus of control. 


     As a result, when buying products from factories in China, it is not uncommon for factory managers to try to convince a customer to accept inferior products on a promise that the next order will be better.  From our experience, the next order might be better in some ways, but there is often another defect that the manager will try to convince us to accept on that order only.  This issue seemed to be never ending.


     In India, having a very low locus of control means that estimated production times are often far from actual production times.  It is normal in India for production of orders to be delayed many weeks by the weather, political unrest, and even illness in the family.  In one extreme case, we had been quoted eight weeks for production time but the order was not completed until 24 weeks later.  It was evident from communication with the factory that the manager expected us to accept the delays as reasonable, unforeseen occurrences.  Therefore, we knew that we could expect more delays in the future.


     For both situations, receiving products with defects or receiving orders much later than estimated, the importer must learn to factor these differences into the way that business is conducted.  For the factories in China, we needed to establish clear standards for the acceptable levels of variance and not accept any products outside of those parameters.  For the factories in India, we needed to hire three factories to produce our products at a rate that was estimated to be three times higher than our sales forecasts.  In time, we began to receive enough shipments from the factories that allowed us to build up a large enough inventory in the United States that would act as a buffer for when future delays occurred.  Adjusting to the cultural differences, not ignoring them or expecting others to change, was the key to success.

     Power distance: Power distance is often defined as the degree that people within a society recognize that people are “unequal in physical and intellectual capabilities”, and the way they acknowledge the differences of status and authority (Hill 2013).  I personally experienced many times how the difference in power distance between North America and most countries in Asia is very large.  For example, when entering a business in Asia, it is normal for each person involved to exchange business cards.  After reading the cards carefully, people will often comment on each person’s position in the company.  When people have a higher level, they are often shown more respect.

     Even though I had observed the differences in power distance for many years before starting an international business, I often made the mistake in early years of not emphasizing my position in the company when visiting factories.  I often introduced myself as a purchaser or sourcing agent.  When the factory employees later discovered that I was the CEO, they were often upset and confused.  The reality is that the factory employees listen more carefully to the CEO as compared to an agent that works for the company.  After years of not even mentioning that I was part-owner of the company, I gradually learned that I needed to allow the members of a foreign society to show respect the way that they are inclined to and that I also needed to state my position in order to be taken more seriously.  Even though I do not like power distance, it is a large part of some cultures that I learned to make adjustments for.


     Aesthetics:  Aesthetics, which includes many different forms of imagery and sounds that a culture considers to be in “good taste”, can also vary greatly from culture to culture (Hill 2013).  For companies that are bringing products and services to a foreign land, considering the colors and sounds of a product are vital.  For our company, which is taking products from foreign countries to cultures that were are familiar with, the need to consider aesthetics means checking that all products, packaging, and promotional materials meet the aesthetics requirements of our own culture.


     For example, all of the products that we import are name from natural materials. In natural products, there are going to be markings and imperfections that cause each piece to vary.  But once in a while, there are colors that appear in wood, bamboo, and palm leaves that are considered “unnatural” to people in North America.  There have been times when the birch wood used to produce our wooden cutlery has had strong hues of pink.  Others have had very dark lines or spots on the palm leaves that make the cutlery appear dirty.  Therefore, we have had to help train the factory workers to identify colors and markings in natural materials that would not be acceptable aesthetically in North America.


     For packaging and promotional materials, I learned in the first year that colors and fonts that feel a certain way in one culture do not feel the same in another.  For the labels on our bulk packaging, the factory in China once changed the font from a very conservative font to “comic sans” without notifying us.  On another occasion, a label had fonts that changed with each sentence.  In both of these instances, the labels were not acceptable aesthetically for the North American culture since the use of fonts did not appear to be professional and serious within our culture.  From this point on, we needed to communicate to the factory that all packaging colors and fonts needed to be designed or approved by us, the importer, and that no changes could be made without written consent.


     From the differences in our cultures regarding locus of control, power distance, and aesthetics, I learned that these factors could greatly affect the quantity and quality of the products we imported into the United States.  To be successful, we needed to accept these differences and make the needed adjustments in order to deliver products that would satisfy the need and wants of our customers in North America.

Political and Legal Systems

     When doing business across borders, an immediate factor that needs to be understood is the difference between the political and legal systems.  In the United States and Canada, we enjoy a democratic political system that allows all citizens to vote for the president or prime minister to lead the country.  In many countries, though, there are political systems that are totalitarian where governments hold “sweeping political and economic power” (Wild 2012).  Regardless of the kind of government, the laws governing international business are different from country to country.  Therefore, before exporting to a country or importing from a country, it is important to first research what the political risks are.  Some risks to doing business in foreign countries include: political conflicts, violent attacks, terrorism, kidnapping, property seizures, corruption, property seizures, and policy changes (Wild 2012). 

     In China, the current form of communism evolved from one that had a closed policy for international trade to one that has had an open policy for many years. Without elections or freedom of the press, there are very few political conflicts reported.  For this reason, doing business in China is considered a low risk.  The one issue that comes up frequently is corruption.  If a company intends to invest in China by opening plants, it is certain that government officials will want bribes to expedite services.  And in many instances, when products are imported into China, shipments will be delayed for many days or even a few weeks unless a bribe is given to an official.  Since our company is only exporting out of China and into the United States and Canada, we have been able to avoid these kinds of unethical practices.

     In India, even though it enjoys a democratic system that supports private enterprise and a free market, there is also a degree of political instability that makes it a risk for doing business.  We have chosen to not invest in our own plant for these reasons, even though we have been offered this opportunity.  As an importer, we do not hold any legal presence in India or China.  This does not mean that we are not affected by the instability, though, since our shipments have been delayed a number of times due to labor strikes and political protests.

     Whether the area where business is conducted is under common law, civil law, or theocratic law, also needs to be considered and the differences in legal procedures should be understood clearly. In many countries, such as communist countries, the business laws tend favor public ownership and strictly regulate the ability to import and export.  In democratic countries, though, the laws tend to promote entrepreneurial activity.  In many countries, there may be little or no legal protection for intellectual property.  All of these factors need to be considered before choosing which foreign countries and markets to enter into.


     One set of laws that directly affects our importing business is taxation laws.  When exporting out of China and India, the factories that produce our products are charged a value added tax (VAT) which indirectly increases the cost our of products.  When importing products into the United States or Canada, we pay tariffs, or import duties.  Depending on the type of product, the rates for tariffs will vary.  Our import agent, Cosdel International, is able to identify the category for each of our products that has the lowest tariff rate, which is usually around 8%.


     Another law that we need to be constantly aware of are labeling laws.  All of our packaging must have labels that state where the product was manufactured and, according to the FDA, must accurately describe the contents.  Failing to observe the labeling laws in the United States and Canada could result in fines or worse if it is determined that the labels were intentionally deceiving.  Therefore, it is important as an importer to ensure that all labels are as detailed and accurate as possible.

Economic systems

     There are three basic types of economic systems that people involved in international trade will encounter: centrally planned, mixed economy, and market economy.  Centrally planned economies are systems where the land, factories, and other resources are owned by the government. With the struggles of centrally planned economies to create value in their products and to provide incentive for the workers, many centrally planned markets have made steps to move toward building a mixed economy, which is a system where both private and public companies divide the nation’s resources.  The market economy, which is most common in the west, is the system where the majority of land, factories, and other resources are privately owned.  Since the market economy is not planned, it is driven by supply and demand (Wild 2012). 

     When choosing a government owned factory or one that is privately owned, there are also some factors to consider.  When visiting factories in China, I personally witnessed the lack of incentive that exists amongst workers in government-owned plants. When massive quantities of resources needed to be discarded due to defects from careless work, the workers at the government-owned plant did not seem to be concerned.  The wasted funds after all, did not affect anyone at the plant personally.  On the other hand, the government-owned facility was also less likely to ask us for assistance to buy expensive tools and machinery.  At privately owned plants, many factories turned down opportunities to make products for us because of the cost of purchasing new equipment.  In the end, each factory had their benefits and drawbacks.  We decided to only use privately owned factories since the end result is hopefully a partner that is motivated to consistently meet our needs.  So far, the four different factories that we have used in China and the three factories we have used in India have all been privately owned and have become important partners in our company's upstream supply chain (Hill 2013).

International trade

     Ever since we incorporated our company in June of 2008, my partners and I have been engaging in international trade, which is defined as the "purchasing of goods and services across national borders" (Hill 2013).  Even though some frown on the idea of buying products that are manufactured in foreign countries, both countries involved in international trade benefit in many ways.  The most obvious benefit is the ability to import products to an area that does not have that product (Wild 2012).  For example, there are many fruit trees that only grow in certain climates.  It is beneficial for a country to import products that the local people that are unable to grow themselves.

     And due to more efficient access to different resources or a more efficient workforce, some countries have an absolute advantage over other countries to produce certain products.  Therefore, when each country produces the products that they can produce more efficiently, both countries benefit with a greater yield.  Even when a country only has a comparative advantage, which is more efficient when compared to the other goods it produces, it is still beneficial for countries to buy each other’s products since there is an advantage to specializing in the production of certain products, due to an increase in efficiency (Hill 2013). It is a win-win situation for both countries. Therefore, there are many benefits to international trade.

     For our company, we decided to search for eco-friendly products in countries that have lower labor costs.  The products that we are importing are disposable and customers, therefore, often look for the lowest price possible.  In order for us to compete against low-cost plastic products that are made in factories in China, we needed to use China’s absolute advantage is producing low-cost items.  The benefit to the United States and Canada for using China’s absolute advantage for producing low-cost items is that we are able to import a biodegradable and compostable utensil this is affordable for businesses.  If we had produced these items in Canada or the United States, the end user would end up paying three or four times more for a disposable utensil.  The higher price would prevent business from buying our products and more non-biodegradable products would be ending up in landfills.  Thus, there is a benefit for all countries involved when we engage in international trade.


Business-government Trade Relations


     It is important to note that although there are many benefits to international trade, there are also many reasons why governments limit, restrict or ban international trade for some items or with some countries (Hill 2013).  For example, importing some items could seriously hurt or even wipe out an industry in the home country.  For some items, the effect on the home country could be viewed as damaging to the culture.  And in other situations, engaging in international trade could be financially supporting a government that is risking the safety of the home country or its allies.  Therefore, governments often use different methods to reduce or completely stop international trade for certain items or with certain governments.


     The most common method for reducing the potentially damaging effects of international trade is to add a tariff to the items that the local government would like to restrict.  By adding a tariff, the price of the imported item will increase which makes the items less attractive to consumers (Hill 2013).  In many cases, the added cost by adding the tariff allows local business to remain competitive.  Tariffs also provide a revenue to the governments.  Some countries, especially developing ones, often rely on tariffs more than revenue from income tax.  This is the case in China where the majority of workers earn below the minimum levels for paying income tax.

     Another common method for restricting trade is to regulate the amount of a product that can be imported through quotas.  This nontariff method made be used on exports and imports alike.  By granting quota licenses to certain companies or governments, the government can limit how much of a product comes into the country and how much of a product leaves.  The resulting effect of import quotas is that local producers of the product can still sell maintain their markets shares.  Export tariffs, on the other hand, make sure that certain products or resources stay in the country, especially ones that are needed to sustain a healthy economy.  At times, these tariffs are used to intentionally increase the price of the product either locally or on the international market (Hill 2013).

     When governments decide to completely stop trade with a country, whether it is on one product or many products, it is called an embargo (Hill 2013).  The United States most recently imposed an embargo on Russia in February of 2014 due to Russia’s military actions resulting in the Crimean crisis.  Russia responded by imposing trade restrictions on certain products from the United States and countries that supported the embargo against Russia.  United States and its allies have agreed to lift the embargo if and when Russia meets certain terms.  The embargo has had devastating effects on Russia’s economy and on some countries in Europe.  Therefore, it is expected that Russia will eventually comply with the terms. Though many economies are hurt by embargos, they are often used only in times of political crisis.


     In general, it is the desire of most governments to increase trade with other countries, especially exports.  That is why certain countries have entered into free trade agreements, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In an effort to increase international trade, The World Trade Organization has been used to help the free flow of trade, to help open markets, and to settle trade disputes among its member nations (Hill 2013). All of these efforts and agreements are in place to promote international trade and to increase the wealth of its member nations.

     Since our company is buying products from China and India, we need to be aware of what is happening politically because changes to political policies can affect the prices we pay in import tariffs and how much the factory pays in export tariffs.  And in extreme cases, sanctions could even prevent us from being able to import anything from China or India.  For the last nine years, we have not faced any increases in tariffs or the need to acquire a quota license.  However, as issues continue to heat up between China and the United States, the possibility of trade restrictions is always a possibility.


Managing Exchange-Rate Risk

     Since currencies are constantly rising and falling against each other, the price that an importer pays for a product can fluctuate from one order to the next.  Even if the quoted price in US dollars never changes, the fluctuation of currencies can mean that other importers are able to buy the same product at a lower price when the value of the US dollar rises.  For this reason, people engaged in foreign trade need to track foreign currencies over time to determine if the rise or fall of one currency will harm or benefit future transactions (Hill 2013).

     For our business, it is important to watch the exchange rates closely for the US dollar, the Chinese yuan, and the Indian rupee.  I noticed that whenever the value of the Chinese yuan increased in value compared to the US dollar, the Chinese factory always sent us a notice for increasing the prices for the wooden cutlery at a future date.  However, when the value of the Chinese yuan decreased, I never once received a notice that the prices at the factory were about to drop in the future.  Therefore, I recognized that I needed to be proactive about negotiating better prices based on the current exchange rates.  Being aware of the current exchange rates enables us to lessen the effects of fluctuating currencies.  At times, we have placed large orders before the Chinese yuan was expected to increase and at other times we have waited to place orders until the yuan decreased in value.  It is not possible to perfectly predict the sudden fluctuating of currencies but being aware of the changes has enabled me to manage the risks.

Managing International Operations in the Future

     After gaining nine years of experience running Eco-gecko Products Inc., which is importing eco-friendly products as its sole means of business, I have come to appreciate the value of owning our own production facility.  The reason that we are interested in having our own facility is that ownership of a factory can prevent our current customers from circumventing us and buying directly from the source.  With ownership, our designs and trade secrets will be unique to our own products which will prevent circumventing (Hill 2013.  Before we could execute a production strategy, though, we would need to have much more capital for investing purposes.  This capital could be reached through financing, if we decide to go that direction.  But before we invest in a partnership or wholly-owned foreign business, we will carefully consider the political factors and legal issues to make sure that the investment is a sound decision.

     In the meantime, we will look to improve our hold on the market through licensing. Licensing is a much less complicated and less expensive way to prevent circumventing (Hill 2013). To accomplish this, we will be entering into a licensing agreement with a university in Thailand that has developed the technology for a product that is biodegradable, compostable, water-resistant, and inexpensive to produce.  With the license, we will be the only company that can sell the product in the United States and Canada. Before we can start importing this product, we will need to find a factory that can produce it for us.  This will most likely require us to invest in the machinery required to produce the tableware. 

     This means that next year, my wife and I will be relocating to Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam where we can be closer to the Thai university and the factory in Bangkok while we continue to source other eco-friendly products throughout Southeast Asia.  Equipped with the skills that I have acquired through running my own businesses and with the knowledge and skills that I have gained through the Business Administration program at Eastern Oregon University, I will be able to continue managing international operations for years to come.


     Aside from expanding operations with Eco-gecko Products, I also have a new business idea to make an app that helps English teachers.  This app will be marketed to English teachers all over the world.  Using the same skills for recognizing opportunity that I used in previous business ventures, I have identified a need in society that is going unfulfilled and I have determined that the idea is feasible.  Therefore, I am in the process building a business plan for this new idea.  Unlike the business plan that I put together for Eco-gecko Products, the new business plan for the teaching app will have an exit plan and a specific plan for raising capital.  The new plan will also have a complete marketing plan and a budget that allows for the business to survive without earning a profit for at least three years.  Having learned from my past successes and failures, I am confident that I will be operating a second successful international business in the near future.   




    Through extensive experiential learning, I have learned that entrepreneurship is a special set of skills that are gradually learned and developed by an entrepreneur. These skills include the ability to see opportunities where others do not, the propensity to take risks where others do not, and the ability and drive to find ways around business difficulties when others run for the shelter of full-time employment.  

     Running a small business in Canada and running a growing importing business that crosses borders for a total of 16 years has provided me with the knowledge and skills needed to take viable business ideas and turn them into a reality. The entrepreneurial skills that I have learned will enable me to identify business opportunities in the future, find ways to add value to customers using innovation, and to develop a unique strategy that can capture and profitable portion of the market.  


     While developing important business and cross-cultural skills in North America and Asia, I have proven to myself and others that I am qualified to operate a business in the domestic market or in the international market.   Having already learned and applied the principles of entrepreneurship and international business through many years of hands-on experience, I will continue to developed and enhance my skills and knowledge for shifting "economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield” in my future business endeavors.  

Annotated Bibliography

Drucker, Peter F. (1985) Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practices and Principles. New York, NY: Harper & Row Publishers Inc.

This book is an excellent resource for understanding the connection between innovation and true entrepreneurism. Whereas many books provide an overview on all aspects of entrepreneurism, this book focuses on the sources of innovation for entrepreneurs and the actions that are required to execute innovative ideas.  It also explains how many large companies, past and present, have used innovation to reach market dominance.

The author of this book, Peter Drucker, was a professor of Management at the Graduate School of New York University for twenty years as well as a professor of Social Science at the Claremont Graduate School in California.  Drucker is a very respected writer in the area of politics, economics, and society.

I will use this book to define what true entrepreneurism is as well as explain how I employed a degree of innovation to establish an effective strategy in my first small business and how I employed these principles to a greater extent in the way I started and operated my second business.

Glackin, C., Marriotti, S. (2013) Entrepreneurship. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

This textbook combines relevant academic theory with dozens of real-life examples and stories from well-known modern companies. This textbook is extremely thorough in covering the skills and knowledge needed to successfully start and grow an enterprise.

Both of the textbook's writers, Steve Marriotti and Caroline Glackin, are experienced professors and entrepreneurs. Marriotti has an MBA from the University of Michigan and Glackin earned a doctorate from the University of Delaware. Marriotti is best known for founding the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) while Glackin has experience working for DuPont, Bell Atlantic, and several other innovative giants. Therefore, this textbook is not only practical but also academically solid. 

I will use this textbook as the foundation for the first and second parts of my essay since it contains all of the essential academic theories of entrepreneurship as well as real-life examples of business plans used by successful modern-day businesses.

Hill, Charles W. L. (2013) International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies

This textbook is used in many colleges and universities to teach undergrads the effects of globalization on international business and to prepare future entrepreneurs the skills for meeting the challenges.

The author of this textbook, Charles W. L. Hill, earned his Ph.D. from the University of Manchester's Institute of Science and Technology in England. He is currently a professor of International Business at the School of Business at the University of Washington.  Other than his series of textbooks on International Business, Professor Hill has also published more than 50 articles in academic journals.

This textbook will serve as the foundation of the third part of my essay.  I will reference this textbook in relation to the major theories of International Business and to support the skills and principles that I learned to apply while sourcing and purchasing products in China and India.

Johnson, Kevin D. (2013) The Entrepreneur Mind: 100 Beliefs, Characteristics, and Habits of Elite Entrepreneurs. Atlanta, GA:    

     Johnson Media Inc.

This is an extremely interesting book written for both aspiring and veteran entrepreneurs.  This book explains in detail the habits and mentality required of a successful entrepreneur.  There are 100 characteristics in total and each is described in detail with examples.

Although Johnson studied at Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA, his greatest credentials come from what he has accomplished in the business field. While in college, he started Johnson Media Inc. and after inventing the first online content management system (Omnipublisher) he became viewed as a social media pioneer.  He is also a director at the Technology Association of Georgia.  Therefore, the habits that Johnson promotes in this book are the habits that helped catapult him from college student to media mogul.

I will reference several of the beliefs and characteristics from this book that I learned to apply while starting a window cleaning company and then applying the same habits and principles to starting and running an importing business.

Kotler, Philip T., Armstrong, Gary. (2013) Principles of Marketing. 15th Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Prentice Hall.


This textbook is an extremely popular resource which is used at colleges and universities across the United States for teaching the principles and essentials of Marketing.


Dr. Philip Kotler is a distinguished professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, and he co-authored this textbook with Dr. Gary Armstrong, who teaches Business and Marketing at the University of North Carolina​.  Both have extensive academic and professional backgrounds in the field of marketing.

I will reference this book in my essay when referring to the marketing skills required of a entrepreneur.

Rotter, Julian B. (1954) Social Learning and Clinical Psychology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall


In this book, Dr. Rotter recorded the first major theory of social learning.  The book explains "locus of control" which is basically the degree to which a person (or culture) believes that he or she can control his or her environment.  


The social learning theory and locus of control theory have generally been accredited to the author, Dr. Julian Rotter.  His cross-cultural studies have made him well-known and respected in the field of cultural studies.   


I will use Rotter’s explanation of high and low locus of control to describe some of the cultural differences I faced when negotiating production times and quality variances with factories in China and India.

Weiss, Kenneth D. (2002) Building an Import / Export Business. 3rd Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell Inc.

This is a highly regarded book for assisting inexperienced entrepreneurs to get started in international trade.  Much of the advice given in this book is from the eyes of an experienced importer who share pointers on how to recognize opportunities and to avoid common pitfalls.

The author of this "how to" book, Kenneth Weiss, is the president at Plans and Solutions Inc. and has decades of experience in international trade. 

I will reference this book in my essay as a book that I read before starting my own importing business.  I will explain how the lessons that I learned from this book helped me to avoid some common mistakes and to look for opportunities when buyers presented themselves, rather than pushing products that buyers might not want.

Wild John J., Wild Kenneth L. (2012) International Business: The Challenges of Globalization. Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson      

     Prentice Hall

This textbook is used to teach undergraduate students the principles and skills for conducting business in an international setting.

The authors of this text book, Prof. John Wild and Dr. Kenneth Wild, are both distinguished professors of Business at their respective universities.  Prof. John Wild is currently a professor of Business at the University of Wisconsin at Madison while Dr. Kenneth Wild is affiliated with the University of London, England.  Both of the authors have held appointments in Europe and North America and have authored over 60 publications.

I will reference this textbook throughout the third part of the essay to support the different cross-cultural skills and specialized knowledge I learned as an an entrepreneur which are essential for conducting international business successfully.

© 2016 by Wesley Pisoni, EOU student ID#: 910194511

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